If you love sending out greeting cards for just about any occasion, chances are you have amassed quite a collection of cards at your disposal. This makes sense, given that buying cards for different occasions in advance saves you additional trips to the store. It may even help you in the off chance that you forget an occasion and need to come up with a thoughtful last-minute gift!
The trouble with collecting anything, especially physical greeting cards, can be in keeping them organised. Depending on how long you’ve been into sending out funny mother’s day cards or rude Christmas cards, you may have trouble remembering which occasions you already have in store. The solution to this lies in keeping your greeting cards organised and ready to go.
Here are five tips for keeping your greeting cards sorted out.
- Get a box with dividers
The first step in organising your greeting cards is getting a big enough box to contain your collection, leaving room for some growth in the future. Whatever size your box is, make sure to get some box dividers that you can use to separate different kinds of greeting cards in.
- Declutter your cards
In the process of accumulating your greeting cards, improper storage is bound to inevitably result in wrinkled corners and frayed edges. Some of them may have even encountered moisture at some point. These greeting cards should be culled and separated from the rest of the cards to be recycled or used in some other future project.
Aside from cards with obvious physical damage, you can also include any greeting card that has been staying in your collection for a long time but can’t seem to find a good use for. This will help you free up some space in your stash for other cards that may come in handy.
- Use a labelling system
Once you have sorted through your remaining cards, it’s a good idea to organise them according to the occasion and label their dividers accordingly. You can keep the labels simple and intuitive by writing the name of the occasion!
Alternatively, you can also use a colour-coding scheme for a cleaner look. Whichever way you choose, organising your greeting cards stash will help you find what you need immediately.
- Keep envelopes, stamps, and pens in the same place
If you really want to organise your greeting cards operation, you might as well find room in your box to store related items. Instead of keeping separate storage for your pens, stamps, and envelopes, you can use another divider in your box to make room for these items. This way, you won’t be wasting time searching around for these items each time you’re out to send a greeting card.
- Keep your box of greeting cards in an accessible place
Spending time to create the perfect greeting cards stash doesn’t make sense if you need to dig around for the same box anyway. It’s best to keep the stash in an easy to find space, such as a bedside table or a study desk in your bedroom. This way you’ll be reminded of their location and have them nearby just in case you need a quick card to give to your loved ones!
A messy clump of greeting cards is a wasted opportunity. Unorganised cards are easily damaged and forgotten, which goes against the purpose of buying greeting cards in advance! Even offensive anniversary cards need to be presentable to show how much you care—so take that time to organise and store your cards properly!
You Said It is your top source of rude greeting cards for all occasions in the United Kingdom. We offer FREE UK Delivery on orders over £20. All greeting cards are dispatched the same day if ordered before 2 pm, every Monday – Friday. Visit our collection of unusual greeting cards and see which ones you should send out next!