Finding out you’re pregnant can be one of the most exciting feelings in your life, and it’s tempting to reveal and share it with others. A pregnancy announcement card is a sweet and straightforward gesture for all the simple couples who don’t want something fancy, but it can also be a little personal or cheeky depending on the content written on it.

However, you might be stuck at the crossroads when it comes to deciding who you should give the announcement to. Should you only tell your grandparents, or do you tell your second cousin about it as well?

Here’s a short guide to the people in your life and why you should or shouldn’t give a pregnancy announcement card to them:

News of pregnancies seems to be terribly exciting to people, no matter their opinion on it. Whether they are happy about meeting a new human being or they find it downright frightful, pregnancy can elicit crazy, funny reactions from people. After the announcement and the funny, offensive pregnancy cards, a mum-to-be will likely encounter variations on these things. How many of these have you heard?


While most expecting couples around the world will merely inform their loved ones through a measly text or email about their pregnancy, we think the news of your special bundle of joy’s arrival needs to be more memorable. You could hold an announcement party, but with the present worldwide situation, it would be better to do it through pregnancy cards. However, what’s so special about handing out announcement letters?

Motherhood is a meaningful journey that is filled with love, joy, and fulfilment. However, this can get challenging, and becoming a new or expectant mom during a global pandemic can be all the more difficult and stressful.

If someone dear to you is a new or expectant mother during these troubling times, the lockdown restrictions may hinder you from visiting your friend and their little one. Fortunately, you can shower her with love and express your support to her from a distance by giving thoughtful gifts that she will surely appreciate.