In the age of social media and digital messaging platforms, receiving physical greeting cards has become much more special and sentimental. Whether they were given to you on your birthday, Christmas, or any other special occasion, nothing compares to handwritten letters, as they will instantly make you feel loved and appreciated. That is why you should not let them be cluttered all over your house or throw them away.
If you have been keeping many greeting cards from families, friends, colleagues, and other special people in your life, here are some ways to preserve and repurpose them.
Compile Them in a Scrapbook
One option to keep your sentimental cards is to put them all together in a scrapbook. You can get crafty and place them in a unique album like you would do old photographs. Let your creativity run wild!
After you fill one or more scrapbooks with these special memorabilia, you can easily place your scrapbook on a bookshelf and take it out whenever you want to read old letters and relive many wonderful memories.
Store Them Properly
The cards that bring you immense joy when you look at them deserve a special home. These could be a congratulations card from your parents on your graduation, a letter from a friend before they moved abroad, your engagement card from your husband, or the last Christmas card from your grandmother before she passed. All these cards and letters hold special memories, and they will remind you of close relationships and beautiful times in your life.
Since cards and paper can deteriorate over time, choose a waterproof storage box that can be sealed and has just enough space. If possible, place them in a climate-controlled unit so that heat or moisture will not ruin the cards.
Display Them
You can choose your favourite cards can display them around your home or office space. Post them on a bulletin board or fridge door, set them on a fireplace mantel, or even get them framed. Another good and fun idea is to peg them on a clothesline and display them all in a row!
You can even turn them into season decorations. For example, if you have many Christmas greeting cards, you can put them all over your house or post them on your wall to make your home look and feel more festive.
Make a Digital Album
Creating a digital album will help you keep copies of your cards forever. The physical card will start to discolour or become brittle after a few years. But your digital documents will stay the same. You can even have them printed once again and create duplicates of the original card if you want.
It is a wonderful experience to receive greeting cards in the mail. However, those cards and letters might begin to build up over time, leaving you wondering how you can store them properly. When you reach this point, you need to take command and find a use for all of those heartfelt cards and letters you’ve saved.
You may not want to throw away cards or letters through which your friends and family have spent time and effort delivering heartfelt remarks. Instead of throwing things away, get creative and come up with new methods to keep them.
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