In this day and age of social media, sending an appreciation message or letter to your family and friends is quick and convenient. However, there is something special about sending a card to a loved one to show your love for them. It can also be beneficial in teaching your children how to show appreciation and kindness to people who care for them.

Writing a thank you card may seem easy and simple, but many people struggle to start writing their message the moment they have the pen in their hands. With that said, here are five tips on how you and your kid can write a thank you card:


Tip #1: Think through your message beforehand

Before you even start to write your letter, consider forming your words or the thought of your message in your head first. Doing so will prevent you from making mistakes and erasing certain words or phrases on your paper. In that way, you can keep your letter neat and beautiful.


Tip #2: Use an appropriate greeting or salutation

Greet your recipients how you would greet them in person. If you are sending a message to old-fashioned people, typically elderly or professionals, they would appreciate reading thank you cards acknowledging them as Mr or Mrs.

However, if you are sending a letter to a friend or your kid’s playmate, address the recipient with their first names or nicknames.


Tip #3: Personalise your message

It may be tiring and time-consuming to write tons of thank you cards, especially if you are doing it for your wedding or your child’s birthday party. However, if you genuinely want to show appreciation to your guests, adding short, personalised phrases would mean a lot to them.

You can easily do so by:

  • Thanking them with their gifts and sharing how you would plan to use them
  • Inviting them to a holiday dinner in the next month or so
  • Letting them know when you will be visiting their town and initiate a meetup for a casual catch up


Tip #4: Be creative

Another way you can personalise and show appreciation on thank you cards is by showing your creativeness and cleverness, such as:

  • Using a cute, scented stationery
  • Adding some stickers or embellishments
  • Painting some corners or the front card


Tip #5: Do not be too formal

To make your recipients feel joyful about your thank you cards, be as silly as you can. Use idioms, touches of humour, or slangs, that you both can understand and relate to. This will make reading your card more fun and memorable.

You can also get templated ones that have text in front and on the inside page. This will make writing a lot easier and faster as you and your child would only need to write a few words or sentences to personalise it.



Sending a traditional card to your loved one is more special and genuine than doing it over a text or chat. It is because you can personalise the actual card, which shows the recipient how special they are in your life that you are willing to spend time to craft something for them. When writing a thank you card, especially with your kid, be creative as you can.

Send unique thank you cards to your loved ones today with our card products in the UK. We have rude thank you cards that are actually funny and hilarious that you can send to your family and closest friends to cheer up their day!