Greeting cards are quite special. You can send them out if you want to congratulate someone, express a feeling (whether it’s admiration, gratitude or something else), send well-wishes or uplift someone. Sending greeting cards to your colleagues, family, friends, and even mere acquaintances can make them feel absolutely special.

But the question is, when do we send a greeting card? Obviously, we send greeting cards during special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas, New Year’s, Valentine’s Day, weddings, and other special events. But what if there are no special occasions and you just want to send somebody a greeting card?

We live in a time where it has become so easy to greet someone online whenever an occasion arises. You can send an email, post a Facebook greeting or Tweet, or send a chat or direct message in just a few taps! Doing so is free, after all. Additionally, almost everyone does it, making it widely acceptable to greet someone online and send your regards.

However, despite all of these convenient ways to reach out to people we love and know, nothing beats the power of greeting cards to make someone feel extra special. You might be surprised to know that greeting cards are still being sold and bought in huge numbers to this day. Given the availability of electronic messaging platforms, the fact that people still exchange greeting cards is a remarkable thing. Indeed, greeting cards are here to stay.

In the past couple of years, two particular kinds of cards have been incredibly popular among card-givers — flat and folded cards. Both are suited for families and businesses because of their excellent way of sharing fond memories and working towards businesses goals.

When looking to give away a card, however, how do you know which kind you should use? Honestly, it’s all up to you. However, do keep in mind that each type of card has its own advantages and disadvantages. Read on to learn what they are!

Christmas, New Year, Valentines, and even special occasions such as birthdays and weddings are the perfect excuses to greet your clients by sending them a personalised card. Sure, personal cards are often handed out to friends, family, and loved ones during holidays and special occasions. However, they can also be given to your clients as a nice gesture. Why is this so? It’s simple, really. Holiday cards are the simplest, cheapest, lowest-risk, and highest-reward way to show both your current and former clients that they are thought of and that they are genuinely valued.